Distinctive Features

The body of the red drum is extended with a somewhat curved back and slanting head. It has an unpolished nose with a huge sub-terminal mouth like most species in the Sciaenidae family. There are two dorsal balances, the first has ten hard spines and the second with one hard spine and various delicate beams. The caudal balance is marginally sunken.

The red drum can be recognized from the firmly related dark drum (Pogonias comes) by its absence of barbels.


The red drum is normally a copper rosy shading. Hue can likewise go from a profound dull copper to a practically gleaming sheen. The ventral side is generally a lighter shading to practically white. Red drums have a particularly dark spot close to the base of the tail. One spot is most normal anyway a few people show a few spots.

Size, Age, and Growth

At the point when originally brought forth larval red drum is a standard length of 6-8 mm. This drum arrives at development somewhere in the range of three and four years old. The most extreme revealed length is 61 inches (155 cm) complete length (TL), anyway, this species is all the more commonly observed at lengths of about 39.4 inches (100 cm) TL. The most extreme distributed load of the red drum is just shy of 100 pounds (45.0 kg). It is known to live at any rate to 50 years old.

Nourishment Habits

Youthful red drum go after little scavengers and marine worms. As the drum fish reaches at the lengths of 200mm or above, the eating regimen movements to join little hard fishes including Microgobius gloss, Menidia peninsulae, Leiostomus xanthurus, and Cyprinodon variegates, among others. Grown-up drums additionally feed on bigger shellfish, for example, the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus).


Generating, as a rule, happens from mid-August to mid-November, regularly close to tidal channels. Drums are known to make a trademark drumming commotion during bringing forth. Females can create one-half to 2,000,000 eggs for each season with each egg estimating around 1.0mm in distance across. Eggs bring forth at around 28-30 hours in the wake of producing coming about in hatchlings that are around 6-8 mm standard length. These hatchlings are moved into estuaries by means of flows before settling onto seagrass beds. Adolescents and sub-grown-ups commonly remain in coves and estuaries until age three to four at which time they leave the estuary and join develop grown-ups in beachfront waters.


The fundamental predator of the red drum is people. Different predators incorporate winged animals of prey including ospreys, just as bigger fishes. The dark tail spot is believed to be utilized as a system to confound predators into assaulting the tail rather than the head.


Adolescent red drums are the middle of the road have for Contracaecum multipapillatum, a nematode. This parasite contaminates the kidneys while hanging tight for development until it dwells in the complete host – fowls. Red drums can become contaminated inside with different parasites in the digestion tracts, stomach, muscle, liver, and the heart. Examples have been accounted for with outer parasites on the gills, skin, scales, and blades. Red drums have additionally been recorded with amiable tumors.

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