Roast chicken is like many dishes, it seems simple to make and succeed, but it is not always the case. I give you my recipe, the one thanks to which my chicken is always crispy! I have made several attempts and I really recommend it because it guarantees perfect skin and a soft interior. Accompanied by a juice made from the cooking juice and a few sautéed potatoes, ... a treat ...

For a chicken of around 1.5 kg, i.e. for 4-5 people
Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: 1h10
- 1 chicken of about 1.5 kg, preferably "red label"
- butter: 40g for the inside of the chicken, 20g for brushing it, 20g for the juice at the end of the recipe
- salt, pepper, paprika
- a good tbsp of coarse salt
- a large slice of lemon
- 1 bouquet garni (thyme and bay leaf)
- 2 cloves of garlic for the inside of the chicken
- twenty garlic cloves or more (if you like garlic, so optional)
- olive oil
 - herbs from Provence
1) Using household paper, wipe the chicken thoroughly inside and out so that it is completely dry. Preheat your oven to 200 ° C.

2) Take care of the interior first: Spread the chicken cavity (rump) with your fingers. It's not very glamorous but it doesn't matter. Salt (normal salt) and pepper inside. Then insert the butter, which will allow the beast to remain soft inside. Insert the lemon, the bouquet garni and the 2 garlic cloves, peeled and cut in half. Pack well with your fingers. It's crazy what we can put as merchandise in there right? hihihihi.

3) Now take care of the outside. Brush the whole chicken with olive oil and butter and massage it well. It is important to massage it well. Isn't it glamorous? In a bowl, combine the coarse salt, a good pinch or two of paprika and a teaspoon of Provence herbs. Sprinkle this mixture on all sides by massaging and rubbing well to make it penetrate optimally.

4) In a large dish, put a drizzle of olive oil on the bottom and place the chicken ON A THIGH. Put in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes

5) Turn the chicken ON THE OTHER THIGH and cook for another 15 minutes. Meanwhile, separate the garlic cloves (leave the skin on). If the chicken does not make any juice, it can happen, it's even a pretty good sign, add a small glass of water to the dish. Some chicken gives a lot of juice and fat, others don't ...

6) Now turn the chicken on the back so add the cloves of garlic in the dish (they will stick, note that you will remove the garlic peel from your plate at the time of tasting ...) and cook for another 30 to 40 minutes. To check for doneness, plant the blade of a knife between the thigh and the joint. The juice flowing must be clear, if it is still pink, it means that the chicken is not cooked. Let it rest in the dish, rump in the air for 5 minutes so that the juice flows well inside. Like that:

7) Take the chicken out of the dish and prepare the juice: take out the garlic cloves and set aside. Take the dish with the juice and gently tip it over the sink. The fat will sink first. Let the fat run out until there is almost no more. Pour the rest of the juice in a saucepan, add the butter and heat while whisking. Hmmm .....
8) Cut the chicken (that's my Man's job), sprinkle the juice, add the garlic cloves and serve ...

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