Need a new chicken recipe? These Turkish shish kebabs are delicately spiced however do not compromise on taste. Try them for your self - they flavor as right as they look.

Shish Kebab
6 thighs of chicken
200 ml of natural yogurt
1 shot of olive oil
1 lemon
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp red pepper flakes
4 tbsp natural yogurt
1/2 cucumber
1 lemon
1 small clove of garlic
1 bunch of fresh mint
1 pinch of salt and pepper
1 selection of bread
1 red onion
1 chunk of iceberg lettuce
1 chunk of red cabbage
1 carrot
1 squeeze of chili sauce

Step 1
Zest and juice the lemon into the yogurt along with all the ground spices, the olive oil and the grated cloves of garlic. Remove any skin, sinew, and bone from the chicken thighs, but keep them whole. Toss the chicken in the marinade, season with a generous pinch of salt and pepper and leave in a covered container in a fridge overnight, or for at least a couple of hours.

Step 2
Skewer the chicken thighs onto metal skewers, with 3 thighs per portion and using 2-3 skewers to hold all the meat in place without too many straggly ends. Lay the skewers onto a grill tray lined with tin foil and cook under a low-temperature grill for approximately 15 minutes, turning every 5 minutes or so. (It should cook slowly to ensure it gets right through to the middle and is able to char the outside marinade a little in the process.)

Step 3
Chop the fresh mint finely and grate the cucumber, avoiding the center watery core. Zest the lemon into the yogurt and stir in the mint, cucumber, and a tiny bit of finely grated garlic. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

Step 4
Shred the lettuce, cabbage, carrot, and onion and toss together with salt, pepper and a little olive oil and lemon juice (from the lemon you zested into the Tzatziki) to form a slaw style garnish. Warm a pitta and fill with some of the salad and tzatziki before carving the cooked chicken skewers on top. Finish with optional chili sauce and serve immediately.

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