Makes: 1 pie
225g plain flour
110g cubed butter
pinch salt
4 - 5 tablespoons cold water
100g butter
15g caster sugar
75g brown or muscovado sugar
125g plain or milk chocolate
1 tablespoon golden syrup
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
100g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons cocoa

Preparation:25min  ›  Cook:45min  ›  Ready in:1hour10min
To make the pastry: In a food processor (or by hand if you wish) combine flour and butter until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add salt. Gradually add the water until a ball of dough appears. Remove pastry from the bowl, wrap in cling wrap and chill until needed.
To make the filling, melt butter, caster sugar, brown sugar, chocolate, and syrup in a pan until smooth. Remove from the heat.
Break eggs into a bowl and whisk until frothy.
Add eggs, vanilla, flour, baking powder, and cocoa to the mixture and stir thoroughly.
Roll out about half the pastry and line an 8" (20cm) baking tin.
Pour the mixture in the case. Roll the remaining pastry and lay over the top. Use leftover scrap of pastry to make the decoration.
Pinch the edges of the pie together. Make a small hole in the middle of the lid. Lightly brush with milk and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake at gas mark 4 OR 180 degrees celsius for 40 - 50 minutes.

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