This solid and fulfilling soup formula, made with chicken, pasta and spread beans, is a simple soup for two that is prepared in only 15 minutes. We have bounty progressively sound soup plans where that originated from…


600ml chicken stock, hot

2 skinless chicken bosoms, cut

75g dried spaghetti, broken into short lengths

410g can spread beans, depleted and flushed

Great bunch of split cherry tomatoes

1 red stew, deseeded and finely cut

Bunch of hacked crisp parsley


1. Empty the stock into a huge pan. Bring to the bubble over medium warmth, at that point include the chicken bosoms and spaghetti. Stew, halfway secured, for 5 minutes.

2. Mix in the spread beans, tomatoes and stew. Cook for 2-3 minutes, until the chicken and spaghetti are cooked.

1. Season and mix in the parsley. The separation between profound dishes and present with dried-up bread.

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